health and beauty goals

Book online Nano Brow Services

Imagine never having to worry about your eyebrows again!

Avante Laser & MediSpa is excited to offer a brand-new way to achieve perfect brows that last for
years. Introducing our Nano Brow services!

Nano Brows are a new, semi-permanent treatment similar to traditional brow tattooing. Our experienced
Nano Brows heal fast and last up to three years with regular touch-ups. Imagine waking up with the
perfect brows every day! With our Nano Brow services, you can have the beautiful, natural-looking
eyebrows you’ve always wanted.

What are Nano Brows?

Nano Brows are suitable for all skin types. Nano brows are applied using a special machine (pen) that
implants pigment into the skin. It creates the look of hair strokes that can be wispy and light with
varying diameters, giving you a very natural-looking brow that is indistinguishable from natural

Nano Brows offer a comfortable and safe way to achieve the perfect eyebrow. The healing process lasts
around four weeks and offers long-lasting results. It is suggested that touch-ups be done every 6 to
12 months to keep your brows looking their best

Nano Brows

Abdominal Fat Reduction

The Benefits of Nano Brow Services

Why consider Nano Brow services at Avante Laser & MediSpa? Our team of certified technicians will
help you choose the perfect shade of pigment to match your hair color.

Nano Brow offers many benefits over other eyebrow-enhancing treatments:

1. Natural-Looking Results: Unlike traditional brow tattooing, Nano Brow services create
natural-looking eyebrows that blend in seamlessly with your own hair.

2. Long-Lasting: Your Nano Brows will last throughout the year with proper care and
from your provider.

3. Fast Healing: The Nano Brows technique requires less trauma to the skin. Your treatment
will heal quickly – often within four weeks.

What Can I Expect?

The first step to getting nano brows is to schedule a consultation with our certified technician.
During your consultation, we will discuss your goals for treatment and answer any questions you may

If you decide to proceed with treatment, we will work with you to choose the perfect shade of pigment
to match your natural hair color. We will also design your eyebrows to achieve the desired shape and

Your nano brow procedure will take place in our private treatment room. The nano brow procedure is
relatively quick, and most people report minimal discomfort. The process can last up to 2 hours,
depending on the size and shape of your eyebrows.

After your treatment, you will need to follow strict aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing.
Avoiding sunlight and applying ointment to the brow area is essential for proper healing.

You’ll have one mandatory touch-up appointment four weeks after the initial treatment, with optional
additional appointments every six months to ensure your nano brows always look their best.

Preparing for SculpSure

FAQs Nano Brow FAQ

What are the benefits of EMSculpt?

Start Your Nano Brow Journey with Avante Today!

Are you ready to achieve the perfect eyebrows with Nano Brows? Schedule a consultation at Avante
Laser & MediSpa today to learn more about this exciting treatment option! Our certified technicians
will work with you to achieve the beautiful, natural-looking eyebrows you’ve always wanted.

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